Emergency Room

An emergency casualty service is provided by the Triage Department which is located on the ground floor of the main hospital; this service is available 24 hours, 365 days/year.

This is an adult emergency service for women who have complications during pregnancy and for the first 6 weeks after the birth, or for acute gynaecology emergencies.

Please note if you have a recent history of vomiting and/or diarrhoea please phone us before attending. It is not advisable to bring children to the Triage Department and recording devices are not permitted.

We advise all patients to be seen by their GP before attending the hospital.

You may find our 'Before You Call' and Signs of Labour sections helpful but if you are unsure whether to attend you are welcome to phone for advice:
Tel: (01) 637 3100 (main switch) who will be able to assist you.

See further details below.

Where do I go?

Patients who require an assessment in the Triage (Casualty) Department should initially present to the Front Hall / Reception of the National Maternity Hospital.

You will be directed to the Admissions Office to register your visit, confirm your contact details are correct, and provide information regarding your reason for attending.

The admissions officer will accompany you to the Triage Department waiting area and inform the midwife of your details and presenting complaint.

Similiar to other casualty departments, care is prioritised so that patients with more serious problems may be seen first; priority is given to women with serious/life threatening conditions.

We apologise for any long waiting times and endeavour to see all women as quickly as possible.

When to attend Triage during Pregnancy

Common reasons for presenting: 

  • Concern regarding fetal movements
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Following trauma: e.g. after a fall, abdominal trauma or a road traffic accident
  • Fever / high temperature
  • Urinary retention
  • High blood pressure

Suspected miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy are common reasons for presenting to the Triage Department. Some information about Early Pregnancy Assessment can be found on the Ultrasound Scanning page.

Vomiting in pregnancy can be quite common; you may find the links below useful in managing your symptoms.
Hyperemesis: Nausea & Vomiting in Pregnancy

If you are unsure whether to attend you are welcome to phone for advice:
Tel: (01) 637 3100 (main switch) who will be able to assist you.

Infections in Pregnancy

Please refer to our infection control  page where you can find information on the following conditions:

  • Slapped Cheek (Parvovirus)
  • Hand, Foot and Mouth
  • Chicken Pox
  • Listeria
  • Measels
  • Mumps
  • Group B Strep
  • Cytomegalovirus


When to attend Triage after the birth of your baby

If your midwife, GP or public health nurse has a concern regarding your health in the postnatal period (up to 6 weeks after giving birth) you may be referred to the Triage Department.

Common reasons for presenting in the first six weeks after the birth of your baby:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Increased / abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • Vomiting
  • Fever / high temperature
  • High blood pressure
  • Mastitis
  • Wound infection in the episiotomy or the caesarean section scar

If you are unsure whether to attend you are welcome to phone for advice:
Tel: (01) 637 3100 (main switch) who will be able to assist you.

When to attend Triage with a Gynaecology problem

If you have an acute gynaecological problem you may be referred to the Triage Department.

Common reasons for presenting with gynaecological problems include:

  • Heavy vaginal bleeding (soaking one pad in an hour)
  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Complications post gynaecological procedures / surgery
  • Suspected infection

If you are unsure whether to attend you are welcome to phone for advice:
Tel: (01) 637 3100 (main switch) who will be able to assist you.

If you have a query regarding a gynaecological problem that is not acute you are advised to attend your GP or to contact the Gynaecology Outpatient Clinic.

Gynaecology Clinic Opening Hours:
Monday-Friday: 08.00-16.00hrs
Tel: (01) 637 3501